Categories: Culinary Travel

How Wine Savvy Are You? These Tips Will Help

Maybe you wish to start collecting wine, or perhaps you want to know how to cook with wine. Maybe you don’t know much about wine at all. You need the right information so that you can make the right choices, so keep reading to find out more about wine and how its used.

Don’t let others decide which wines you should try. For instance, should you have a friend who swears by a particular wine, you may not enjoy that type of wine. Don’t head out to buy it based only on their suggestion. You will end up wasting money.

Do you need a wine all your guests will enjoy? Instead of choosing a rare wine people might not appreciate, choose a Beaujolais, a Chilean, a Sauvignon or a Cava from Spain. These wines are easy to find and offer enough diversity to remain interesting for connoisseurs without making novices feel like they are sophisticated enough to enjoy the wine.

When purchasing a wine for dinner tonight, make sure to ask in the store if the wine is ready to drink. Some wines need to age in order for their true flavor to come out. This might mean months or even years should go by before the bottle is enjoyed. By asking if the wine is ready to drink, you have a better chance of walking out with a bottle you will enjoy.

A good tip if you’re interested in learning more about wines is to simply do your homework on them. Do as much reading as you can about wines and the industry, and before you know it, you’ll be the most knowledgeable person about wines among all of your friends.

In order to fully taste the wine, you have to be able to smell it. Make sure that your nose is as clear as possible prior to doing a tasting. Once you have the glass in your hand, lean your face down toward it so that your nose is partially in the glass. Make sure you smell using both the right and the left nostril.

Take notes on any wine that you try out. You aren’t going to really know what you are doing at first. However, over time, you will start noticing specific trends in your notes and reactions. You might even see that your reaction to particular wine’s changes as you drink more of them.

If you often find yourself stumped when you visit the wine store, consider purchasing an app for your smart phone. These apps are generally inexpensive, and they can provide valuable information such as reviews of various wines or pairing ideas for certain dishes. They are very user friendly, and you will always have the information you need on hand once you purchase your app.

Have you ever thought you made a good selection of wine just because of the price tag? There are many factors that go into choosing a wine for different occasions, so hopefully the information you’ve read has helped you out in that direction. Use the advice so you can start using wine more effectively.…